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Performances which happened outside of the WAC - usually takes place in FAB, Avon or Milburn. Prod teams are given a small amount of money with which to create this show and often (but not always) have free tickets.

DC societies usually have 1 of these per term. MTW also have several within their calendar. These are pack and panelled the same as a show but without WAC representatives.

MTW Funds

  • Spotlight - Fund with less than 5 characters. It's panelled late Term 3 and performs early Term 1
  • New Writing - For a newly created musical written by a student
  • Revue - Musical adaptation (created by a student) of another pre-existing form of media
  • Freshers Musical - A ‘knock off’ version of a pre exiting musical with the adaptation written by students and the entire cast and prod being MTW freshers

WUDS Funds

  • Freshers Play - In term 1 where all cast and prod are freshers
  • WUDS in the woods - Takes place term 3 ever year outside (and is usually a Shakespeare play)


  • Weekend show - an MTW and DC term for a show which auditions, rehearses or devises and then performs within a weekend (usually term 1 and exclusive to freshers)