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The Drama Collective (DC)

The Drama Collective (DC) is a society that was formed to be a larger negotiating body for its constituent societies. For example:

  • WAC allocates 2 show slots to the DC each term. Without the DC, none of the constituent societies would have the resources to put on 2 shows a term themselves. The DC production manager runs a panel for each of these slots. Show teams can submit packs to DC panel, once they get backing from one of the DC societies.
  • The DC also provide "cupboard manager" exec roles to organise and upkeep its two storage locations, the DC cupboard in WAC, and the Avon cupboard.
  • The DC has a constitution that all its societies are meant to follow.
  • The DC often put on a joint ball at the end of the year, in term 3.

If you have Tech Crew membership (or membership of any of its other child societies), you are automatically a member of the DC and can officially join on the SU website for free! This is useful to be able to vote for or against DC motions.


Codpiece is the "devised theatre" society at Warwick. Devised theatre is when the script originates not from a writer, but from collaborative, often improvisatory, work by the performers themselves.


Shakespeare society joined the DC in the academic year 22/23, through an AGM motion in the DC Annual General Meeting.


Warwick University Drama Society focuses on performing established published plays.


Freshblood new writing specialise in performing student written shows. They run Freshblood Festival, showcasing short, student-written plays. They also run FreshFund, to provide support to new scripts and bring warwick written shows to life.

Tech Crew

Tech crew has a wiki you should check out :D

As of 2024, they also put on the Warwick Student Arts Festival, although this may be made into its own society in future years.
