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The TechXec

The Tech Crew Exec (TechXec) are a group of members who are elected to oversee the society and its operations. They are listed on the website.

As per our constitution, the Tech Crew Exec's aims and objectives are:

  1. To promote opportunities to work on various shows and productions as and when they become available to the society members.
  2. To manage the assignment of members to roles on shows/events in a fair and inclusive manner.
  3. To ensure that the society’s activities are safe, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  4. To act as a central point of contact for any Warwick SU society or University of Warwick student who wishes to enquire about the provision of technical equipment and personnel.
  5. To direct the expenditure of the Society’s funds in a responsible fashion and in line with the aims, objectives, and planned activities of the Society.
  6. To facilitate the implementation of the Aims and Objectives of the Society in accordance with Article 2.1.
  7. To formulate and submit an annual bid for funds from the SU Societies Federation Committee prior to any specified deadline which shall include a statement of activities and objectives for the coming year and detailed justification of the figures contained within the bid .

Meetings and Minutes

The TechXec regularly hold meetings to discuss society operations, including hires and show allocation. The Secretary records minutes which can be found here.

TechXec Positions

The roles of the TechXec are determined in Article 6 of the constitution.


There are restrictions on what roles can be held by the same person. See section 6.4 of the constitution

Electable Roles

There are currently eight electable roles which are determined after the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the end of Term 2 each year. These are:


  • Public figurehead and representative to the SU & WAC.
  • Schedule and Chair Exec meetings.


  • Approve all sales and purchases (whole exec approval required for purchases over £250).
  • Keep track of society spending and income.
  • Send invoices for shows and hires and ensure they are paid.
  • Ensure each department (socials, training, equipment) provide and stick to a budget for the year.


  • Write, redact and publish minutes of exec meetings.
  • Manage incoming emails, delegating to relevant people.
  • Produce newsletters/emails for members.
  • Write discord announcements about role opportunities.
  • Create an AdamRMS projects and roles for new WAC shows.
  • Act as Returning Officer for elections.

Hires Manager

  • Manage the hires form and liaise with hires about logistics.
  • Create AdamRMS projects and roles for hires.
  • Oversee Hires Assistants.

Equipment Manager

  • Maintain equipment inventory and ensure maintenance is done.
  • Organize storage spaces.
  • Source and purchase new equipment.

Training Manager

  • Organize training sessions and manage skill records.
  • Advertise trainings through discord events.
  • Push for shadowing opportunities.

Socials and Publicity Secretary

  • Create instagram posts advertising tech crew activities.
  • Book and organise socials, run circles.
  • Design the TC banner and flyers.

Welfare Officer

  • Point of contact for welfare matters.
  • Direct members to appropriate support services.
  • Consider welfare impacts of role assignments.

Non-Electable Positions

There are a further three "non-electable" roles which are assigned by the exec in their first few meetings. These can only be held by people with an existing electable role.

Vice President

  • Assume President’s responsibilities during absence.
  • Secondary contact for other societies.

Safety Officer

  • Signpost safety resources and equipment.
  • Manage society risk assessments.
  • Report accidents and near misses to the SU.

Equal Opportunities Officer

  • Point of contact for equal opportunity matters.
  • Ensure fair role assignments (when more than one person applies for a given role).

Hires Assistants

Two non-voting "Hires Assistants" are co-opted into the exec each term. They help the hires manager to facilitate hires and are a great way to gain experience around how the Tech Crew Exec operates. They get access to this terms DC cupboard code. Any Tech Crew member is eligible to apply for this position.