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The Dock

The dock is a large open area which is managed by the Senior Head of Workshop at Warwick Arts Centre. This is mainly used for the Arts Centre's own storage (you may be asked to get their equipment from here if you're working on a show), however we also have a few large set pieces here from previous shows (such as a random lamp post!).

During a show, we can use this space (with prior arrangement from Head of Workshop) to store and paint set - however there may be many other shows going on, so it is important to be respectful and keep it tidy.

Guidance for working in the dock

When working in the dock, please note:

  • The Ops Assistant is on duty to deal with building operations and are the person who locks up at the end of the day, they might start asking you to leave around 9pm.
  • The area outside the yellow and black striped tape must be clear when you leave
  • If there are other shows in the Studio or Theatre, you might not be able to use the dock due to a load in/out.
  • Even if they aren’t loading in or out, respect how close you are to the venues and dock equipment with noise and belongings
  • Paint! – Once you’re finished painting, use the paint sink provided (under the DC cupboard) to wash brushes, rollers, and trays
  • If you have a palette still full of paint that you want to keep fresh for tomorrow, cover it with clingfilm, to stop it drying out.
  • If you have set with wet paint, leave a note
  • Once your show is in the venue, clear out the dock of everything for your show and relabel extra paints for other show use
  • You must confirm with WAC Head of Workshop exactly what equipment you are planning to leave in the dock during show week, this must be arranged before your show week!