The TechXec
The Tech Crew Exec (TechXec) are a group of members who are elected to oversee the society and its operations as defined in Article 6 of the constitution. The current exec is listed on the website.
Elections are open for the new TechXec of 2025/26! If you're interested in running for a position, see the General Meetings, AGMs and Elections page.
As per our constitution, the Tech Crew Exec's aims and objectives are:
- To promote opportunities to work on various shows and productions as and when they become available to the society members.
- To manage the assignment of members to roles on shows/events in a fair and inclusive manner.
- To ensure that the society’s activities are safe, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
- To act as a central point of contact for any Warwick SU society or University of Warwick student who wishes to enquire about the provision of technical equipment and personnel.
- To direct the expenditure of the Society’s funds in a responsible fashion and in line with the aims, objectives, and planned activities of the Society.
- To facilitate the implementation of the Aims and Objectives of the Society in accordance with Article 2.1.
- To formulate and submit an annual bid for funds from the SU Societies Federation Committee prior to any specified deadline which shall include a statement of activities and objectives for the coming year and detailed justification of the figures contained within the bid.
There are restrictions on what roles can be held by the same person. See section 6.4 of the constitution
Meetings and Minutes
The TechXec regularly hold meetings to discuss society operations, including hires and show allocation. The Secretary records minutes which can be found here.
Electable Positions
There are currently eight electable roles which are determined after the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the end of Term 2 each year.
The constitution states that each person holding an electable position is:
- Expected to organise Tech Crew’s appearance at the annual Societies Fair in Welcome Week.
- Expected to complete any relevant training as required by the SU.
- Expected to manage the assignment of roles to shows and events.
- Entitled to attend and vote at all Exec meetings.
- Entitled to hold the code for Tech Crew equipment storage areas.
- Entitled to have full access to all society digital resources.
- Expected to ensure at least one member of the exec is available where possible for shows.
- Expected to facilitate the execution of equipment hires.
The President is one of the core SU roles and is responsible for the overall running of the society.
The constitution states that the President shall:
- Be the public figurehead of the society and represent the Society’s interests to the SU where required
- Hold overall responsibility for all society matters and must ensure that the society adheres to its stated aims and objectives
- Review the long term aims and objectives of the society annually, and suggest amendments to the Exec
- Ensure that, after a Warwick Arts Centre Show, a debrief is organised with the tech team either by themselves or another Exec member
- Be responsible for scheduling meetings of the Exec
The Treasurer is one of the core SU roles and is responsible for overseeing and managing the society's finances.
Throughout this year, I have been responsible for managing Tech Crew's funds - this includes ensuring we get paid for all the work we complete, ensuring that our funds are spent wisely and in the society's best interests, and approving all purchases made by the society. In particular, I communicate a lot with the SU to figure out how to comply with their regulations and charge all the different societies and departments that we work with. I would recommend this role to anyone who's good at organisation, can be persistent, and enjoys a good spreadsheet. - Josh Heng, Treasurer 2024/25
The constitution states that the Treasurer shall:
- Be responsible for all financial matters relating to the running of the society.
- Liaise with the Union’s Finance Department where necessary.
- Ensure all sales and purchases are approved by the Treasurer.
- Purchases over £250 must be approved by the Exec as a whole.
Welfare Officer
The Welfare Officer is one of the core SU roles and is responsible for assisting with and signposting welfare for the society's members.
The constitution states that the Welfare Officer shall:
- Be a point of contact for any member who wishes to discuss a matter relating to their welfare
- Assist in directing members to the SU, central university, and other local services that could aid members’ welfare
- Consider the welfare impacts of role assignments on members when assigning people to a show/hire
- Assist members in collecting evidence to support allegations of misconduct and with referring such issues to the appropriate authority
The Secretary is responsible for the administrative running of the society, including taking minutes and sending weekly emails.
Secretary is responsible for communications from the exec to the general membership. This involves making sure people know what opportunities are available, through discord and email announcements, and which shows+hires we're working on, through "this/next week in tech" in the emails. A good candidate for this position should be organised (to keep track of the 5+ shows/hires we're working on at any given time) and have a strategy for communicating effectively to the society. In my opinion, sec is one of the most fun exec roles, you should absolutely apply! - Kishan Sharma, Treasurer 2024/25
The constitution states that the Secretary shall:
- Take minutes of every meeting of Exec and General Meetings; these will be presented to the Exec and a redacted
version made available to all society members.
- Redaction will only be used where the subject matter at hand is sensitive, and the public release of such information would be detrimental to the people/issue concerned.
- Redaction may also be used to ensure compliance with any relevant data protection legislation or SU regulation.
- Maintain a register of members, keep a record of known skills and interests of those members, and record show assignments – this responsibility is shared with the Training Manager.
- Be responsible for all administrative matters relating to the running of the society, including responding to incoming emails or forwarding them to the appropriate exec member.
- Be the Returning Officer for elections, unless running for a position themselves.
- Be responsible for producing newsletters/emails to all the Society’s members informing them of upcoming events.
Hires Manager
The Hires Manager is responsible for managing and facilitating hires.
Whilst the Hires Manager is responsible for overseeing hires overall, this does not mean that they are expected to manage every hire themselves (this will lead to burnout!). It is the responsibility of the Hires Assistants and the rest of the exec to assist.
The constitution states that the Hires Manager shall:
- Be responsible for responding to and managing contacts from third parties wishing to hire equipment.
- Decide if hires can be facilitated, based on factors including equipment and member availability, in consultation with the rest of the exec.
- Ensure hires have the required members assigned to facilitate them.
- In conjunction with the rest of the exec, be responsible for appointing up to two Hires Assistants on a termly basis.
- Oversee the temporary involvement of Hires Assistants, ensuring jobs are fairly distributed between them.
Equipment Manager
The Equipment Manager is responsible for managing and maintaining the society's equipment.
The constitution states that the Equipment Manager shall:
- Maintain an inventory of all Society equipment and submit this annually to the SU.
- Ensure equipment is maintained appropriately for use on shows and hires.
- Liaise with the Arts Centre staff to organise an annual maintenance period.
- Have responsibility for the organisation and upkeep of society storage spaces.
- Manage sourcing and purchasing new equipment, in consultation with the rest of the Exec and society members.
- Maintain an inventory of all Society consumables and liaise with the Treasurer to order new stock.
Training Manager
The Training Manager is responsible for organising training across the society.
The constitution states that the Training Manager shall:
- Be responsible for training within the society, which will include at least one fresher’s introduction session.
- Arrange training sessions for society members and seek the involvement of other executive committee members or external persons where necessary to achieve this.
- Arrange shadowing of technical jobs where possible.
- Maintain a register of members, keep a record of known skills and interests of those members, and record show assignments – this responsibility is shared with the Secretary.
Socials and Publicity Secretary
The Socials and Publicity Secretary is responsible for marketing the society and organising social events.
The constitution states that the Socials and Publicity Secretary shall:
- Be responsible for marketing the Society.
- Ensure the Society’s logo is included on advertising for all events the Society is involved in.
- Be responsible for maintaining the Tech Crew website with up-to-date information regarding shows, and maintaining Tech Crew social media.
- Be responsible for all social activities run by, or arranged through, the Society.
Non-Electable Positions
There are a further three "non-electable" roles which are assigned by the exec in their first few meetings. These can only be held by people with an existing electable role.
Vice President
The Vice President is responsible for assisting the President and taking on their responsibilities if required.
The constitution states that the Vice President shall:
- Assume any responsibility and/or obligation of the President. Should the President declare absence, the Vice President will temporarily assume the role of Acting President until the President states they are fit to continue.
- Act as a secondary point of contact for other Warwick SU societies.
- Automatically assume the role of Acting President should the role of President become permanently vacant for any
- The role of Acting President will have the full powers and responsibilities of the President as described in Article 6.10.
- The Acting President will remain in office until such a time that a replacement can be found in accordance with SU Regulation 9.
Safety Officer
The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring the society's activities are as safe as possible.
The constitution states that the Safety Officer shall:
- Be a point of contact for any member who wishes to discuss a matter relating to safety.
- Be responsible for completing the society risk assessment.
- Ensure that anything stored in the Tech Crew section of the DC Cupboard is done so safely, including managing the proper storage of anything subject to COSHH.
- Ensure that there is adequate first aid coverage at all society events.
- Be responsible for reporting accidents and near misses to the SU.
Equal Opportunities Officer
The Equal Opportunities Officer is responsible for ensuring that all members are given equal opportunities to participate in our events and trainings.
The constitution states that the Equal Opportunities Officer shall:
- Be a point of contact for any member who wishes to discuss a matter relating to ensuring they or others get an equal opportunity to participate in the society.
- Ensure that all members are given an equal opportunity to be assigned to roles on shows and that no one is unduly excluded from role assignments.
Hires Assistants
Two non-voting "Hires Assistants" are co-opted into the exec each term. They help the hires manager to facilitate hires and are a great way to gain experience around how the Tech Crew Exec operates. They get access to this terms DC cupboard code. Any Tech Crew member is eligible to apply for this position.
The constitution states that the Hires Assistants shall:
- Support the Hires Manager and the wider exec in facilitating hires by: organising quotes, equipment and logistics, allocating members, and/or operating the hire.
This role was added to the constitution as a motion in an AGM, and two termly assistants started being allocated from 2024 Term 3.