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Technical Manager (TM)

The Technical Manager is the person responsible for managing the overall tech team and organising communication between the tech team and any other stakeholders (e.g. production teams, Warwick Arts Centre staff or university departments). They also help fill in any gaps in the tech team, for example temporarily filling in by answering any sound designer questions in the absence of the designer.

The Technical Manager:

  • Is head of the technical team
  • Is in charge of making sure everyone in the tech team is on top of their jobs.
  • Communicates with the production team and organises meetings with them.
  • Organises meetings between the tech team and Warwick Arts Centre staff.
  • Is in charge of get-ins and get-outs.
  • Keeps show week on schedule as much as possible.
  • Is responsible for ensuring documents are in on time.

Most of the Technical Manager's responsibilities are administrative and are ahead of show week itself.


Information about a TM's responsibilities throughout the show process can be found on the Shows pages.

Getting Started

When you're assigned as a TM, your first steps should be:

  1. Confirm your team is complete. Contact the Tech Crew exec for additional members if needed.
  2. Ensure the whole team is in a group chat with producers. In general, we recommend a Discord server or thread for this.
  3. Set up a CallTime calendar for the tech team (even if the producers have a separate one for the whole show).
  4. Ensure that there is a Google Drive folder for the show that the whole team have access to. This can be requested from the Tech Crew exec if you don't have one already.
  5. Create a budget document (although it is your not job to populate this yet)
  6. Schedule initial meetings with the tech team, production team and WAC staff.

The Tech Crew exec can be contacted by email at [email protected]