Demons & Ghouls Directory
List of the Demons and Ghouls that haunt Warwick Tech Crews operations. If something went wrong on show, consult this page to identify which demon or ghoul was responsible.
Studio Demon
The first recorded evidence of the Studio Demon was during the show week for MTW's Godspell (23/24). The Demon took up residence inside one of the WAC's EMS-81X speakers, which was being used as the main PA. This caused a really annoying low hissing to be constantly output from the speakers. No amount of tweaking the amp settings or swapping out cables was able to evict the studio demon from the speaker. It is assumed that because of our attempts to remove the demon from its home, the demon turned off the PA power during preshow and decided to drop one of our mic packs on the floor just before the final number. When the demon did travel outside its buzzing speaker home, it found its way to the walls behind the band pit. The demon was detected as electrical current running through those walls, which created a low hum feedback via interference with the bass guitar. This caused the whole band pit to shake during the climax of the louder numbers. This put the band members in great peril, as the pit was located up on 8ft high steeldeck poles. It is important to note here that the northern lights were visibe during this show week. Therefore, we place all blame on the Aurora Borealis for any mishappening or misfortune during MTW's Godspell (23/24), and not on the incompetencies of any co-sound designers.
S21 Demon
This creature made its home in WAC's DiGiCo S21 sound desk. During 23/24 Company, we very reasonably decided to load 200+ scenes into the main showfile. The S21 Demon did not approve of this approach to DCA management, and subsequently cast a delay curse on the S21's next scene button, causing a lag of about 5 seconds each time a scene needed to change.
FLX Demon
This spirit possesses the FLX lighting desk, turning the house lights on and off, and generally producing the exact opposite of what you're trying to do. For example, the demon interprets pressing the "Home" button to mean "put all the lights at max white brightness instantly".